2025 is Municipal Election Year for the Town of Thorsby!

Looking for information as both a voter and/or a potential nominee for the Town of Thorsby Council? We have you covered with everything you need to know.


Community Grants

Thorsby wishes to promote community spirit through support for events, groups or individuals who commit time and effort in helping to make the Town the great place it is to live. Through the annual budget process, a limited amount of funds will be set aside on a first come basis to provide assistance to those groups and individuals who meet the criteria for funding.

Please review the details outlined in the policy to match your need with the outlined criteria and submit to administration for onward consideration by Council. Good Luck!

Community Grant Policy & Application

Garbage & Blue Bag

2025 Garbage/Recycling Schedule
Accepted Recycling Items

If you have inquiries regarding residential Garbage & Blue Bag services, please feel free to contact:

Integrity Waste Solutions

How to Utilize the County Dump Services

In addition to the regularly scheduled garbage and blue bag pickups, residents can also pick up a dump card for Sunnybrook Transfer Station to dispose of larger items throughout the year to assist residents with their cleaning needs.

Dump cards for Sunnybrook Transfer station are currently available from the municipal office during regular office hours.
There is a $25+GST charge for dump cards.
Each dump card is a one time use.

Here is a resource available for further information regarding the dumps within the county, what you can/cannot bring to the dump, etc:

Sunnybrook Hours of Operation:
Wednesday 9:00 – 5:00
Thursday    9:00 – 5:00
Saturday    9:00 – 5:00

Location: 49164 Range Rd 22
Sunnybrook, AB
T0C 2M0
Contact: 780-955-3555

Snow Clearing

Snow clearing will be completed on a rotational basis with each snowfall.
52nd Street aka Highway 778 is maintained by Alberta Transportation.

Street Sweeping

Sweeping occurs in the summer, watch for notices a few days ahead which will contain schedules.
