Here in Thorsby we boast a caring, attentive, and dedicated Council whose sole focus is the prosperity and uplifting of Thorsby and its residents!
Hello Thorsby Residents! We’ve heard your concerns about the condition of sidewalks in our community. With winter in full swing, it’s important to ensure our sidewalks are safe and accessible for everyone, especially children, seniors, and those with disabilities.
Here in Thorsby we boast a caring, attentive, and dedicated Council whose sole focus is the prosperity and uplifting of Thorsby and its residents!
Mayor Darryl Hostyn
Contact: dhostyn@thorsby.ca
"The first year as mayor was incredibly fast paced and went by like a blink of an eye. Getting adjusted to the municipal way, appointing a new CAO and CFO and understanding the processes involved were all eye opening for sure! This, along with the recovery from the COVID crisis contributed to the time going by fast.
There were a lot of things that I was very interested in. The number one was the water treatment plant and pipeline and subsequent feasibility grant followed by the appointment of a permanent CAO and CFO and then the completion of the 2021 financial papers.
In 2023 I would like to pursue the possibility of a water board/Co-op to sell water from the town. I would also like to have our bylaws and policies brought up to date and organized. Finding ways to lower taxes and update and replace the towns infrastructure are a top priority.
My mother and father were longtime residents of the town. My father drilled water wells from 1955 to 1998 in the area and my mother was a secretary at the Thorsby High School for 28 years. My mother's father was the first mayor of Thorsby in 1949. I attended grade 1-12 in Thorsby as did my wife Kathy (Wurban). We raised two children Ambur and Jared who accomplished the same. I retired from the Oil well drilling business in 2019. Previously I owned the Thorsby Hotel from 1988 to 1998."
Councilor Tracy Musson
Contact: tmusson@thorsby.ca
"My first year on Council was filled with a bit of anxiety as I was also Deputy Mayor for the year. Being on Council is a learning curve and I didn't feel I was prepared to fill the shoes of Mayor if needed. As a Council member, I am willing to be the best at representing the community as possible.
I am most interested in making sure everyone is all right. I don't want to see anybody struggle. I always feel there is a solution with a good outcome.
In 2023 I look forward to programs being offered and many enrolling! I hope new businesses appear in our town. Thorsby has great potential. It is time to come out and meet your neighbor! Community and connections are needed to create a constructive atmosphere!
I enjoy meeting new people by volunteering. I have volunteered for over 30 years! As a volunteer, there is purpose in small and big accomplishments. I am hopeful that others will dedicate a bit of their precious time to enhance our community. I look forward to the next few years, it's time to optimize our potential!"
Councilor Cory Gilbert
Contact: cgilbert@thorsby.ca
Councilor Shelley Rasch
Contact: srasch@thorsby.ca
"This first year on council has been a whirlwind of information. Busy, eye opening. Lots to learn and figure out. I feel this current council will make steps in the right direction with the current administration to get Thorsby on good footing for our future.
I find every part of council interesting. My boards have enlightened me about many things. Being able to help our community, learning and bringing back information has been great. Doing the homework to state my opinions and fight for thoughts and wants is invigorating. I love the challenge.
2023 will be more of the same. Getting a better understanding of municipal government. Getting all our boards up and running to provide services to our community. Encourage our administration to find resources to get our water making a difference for us. Learning. Listening. Sharing. Speaking up for all of us. Year 2 should be less stressful and the beginning of a better future.
I have two teenage boys that are in grades 11 & 12. I work full time from home for a nonprofit organization in Edmonton. We do try to get out and about for adventures in and around our community and our great province. We love walking the Thorsby trails, they are an amazing asset in our community."
Councilor John Miller
Contact: jmiller@thorsby.ca
"This first year as being an elected official for the town of Thorsby has been a challenging, yet accomplishable year. Some tough decisions had to be made but it was for the better of the Town. I am interested in getting Thorsby back on track at being successful and self-sufficient so we can modernize our lovely town.
In 2023 I would like to build and develop a strong foundation so the future of Thorsby can be a strong thriving community. Being a blue-collar worker, I have been through and seen a lot of the struggles people have had and been through. I ran for the town of Thorsby so I could be a part of making a difference in the world one step at a time. I plan to achieve great things here, while also pursuing to change things in a provincial level in time. I look forward to one day saying that my political career all started in a great community in the town of Thorsby."