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Dog Licensing

Dog Licenses in the Town of Thorsby


All dog owners in the Town of Thorsby are required to conform to Bylaw #2022-07 "Dog Control", with notable provisions including but not limited to;

a) Abiding by a maximum of two (2) dogs owned at any given time.

b) Maintaining a yearly license for all dogs owned.

c) Making sure dogs are leashed when off the owners property.

Violations will be subject, but not limited to, penalties as stated in Bylaw #2022-07 "Dog Control" Schedule A.

What You Need to Know


You must:

a) Be 18 years or older, or have an adult co-signer, to license a dog.

b) Provide proof of spay/neuter upon request in order to qualify for that price range.

c) Have the dog tag on your dogs leash or harness at all times when off your property.

d) Be aware of the length and amount of your dogs barking so as to not cause a nuisance to surrounding residents/businesses.

e) Maintain cleanliness and not allow a build up of animal waste that may become a health hazard or cause a smell for properties around you.

f) Provide a comfortable, warm, safe, and sanitary living condition for your dogs.

Questions & Answers


Q) What happens if I move to the Town of Thorsby with more than two dogs?
A) Please come by the Thorsby Town Office any time during business hours to discuss a special permit that will allow you to have three licensed dogs.

Q) Where do I go if I have a concern of a violation of the Dog Control Bylaw?
A) You can come into the Town Office and fill out a Community Peace Officer Service Request form, email cpodejan.cvijetic@thorsby.ca, or call 780-940-9077.

Q) What happens if my dog has puppies, do they all need to be licensed before they go to their forever homes?
A) Puppies do not require a license until six months of age.

Q) I just moved into Town, what is my grace period before I need a license?
A) New residents must purchase a dog license within one (1) month of taking up residence.

Q) Do I need to get my dog a new license if I already licensed them when it was a lifetime license?
A) No, you are grandfathered as a lifetime license for that dog. However, that license is non-transferable.

Q) Why can't I have as many dogs as I want on my property?
A) Dog licensing and restrictions are just one of a few ways we as Canadians can help put an end to puppy mills, unsanitary/unsafe conditions for animals, dog fighting rings, and inhumane and unregulated breeding practices. However, these rules cannot be applied on a per case basis, everyone must adhere to them to help bring about positive change for our beloved furry friends.

Q) Can I pay for my dog licenses online? 
A) We do not take payments for licenses online at this moment, however you can make the payment over phone, in person at the office, or by cheque in the mail or through our drop off slot. In those cases we would ask that you provide your mailing address or stop by the office so we can get your dog tag and receipt to you. 

Q) I adopted a dog and acquired a license, but I returned/rehomed them after finding out they weren't a fit for my home, what do I do about my license?
A) Depending on how long the license was held for, you are free to come in to the office or call 780-789-3935 and we can discuss the situation. Or alternatively, the license will run out after a year, and you just have to inform us you no longer need a license.

Q) My beloved furry friend passed away, and I no longer require a license, what does the Town need to know?
A) Feel free to give us a call at 780-789-3935 ext 27 or email info@thorsby.ca to let us know you will no longer require a license. We will remove you from our yearly license list.

Q) My dog escaped from our yard and is out exploring, what can I do to get the most help possible to find my dog?
A) Please call the Town Office and let us know, we can then put the information of the dog online as well as their tag number through our website, phone app, and Facebook. We can also inform Public Works to be on the look-out for your dog while out and about in Town. Please bear in mind that dogs on the loose multiple times with no attempt to rectify the situation can result in a fine for the owner per Bylaw #2022-07 Dog Control.

Q) My dog had escaped without any identification tags, what happens if the Town finds my dog?
A) Feel free to call the Town Office at 780-789-3935 to inquire as to whether we have been informed of a dog found roaming. Depending on if the dog was picked up by our team, and how long the dog has remained unclaimed, the dog could be at our designated shelter and there will be shelter fee costs to pick up your dog pursuant to Bylaw #2022-05 Fees and Services.

Q) I run a pet grooming/pet store business that has many dogs coming across the premises, what do I need to do?
A) So long as you hold a valid Business License within the Town of Thorsby pursuant to Bylaw #2022-08 Business Licensing, and we are aware you work with animals, we can prevent any misunderstandings that may arise from having more than two (2) dogs on the property for periods of time.

Q) I am babysitting a dog for a few days but it means I am over two (2) dogs on my property, can I get in trouble?
A) You won't get in trouble so long as the dog is not living with you long term. If Bylaw gets in contact with you asking about extra dogs, simply clarify the situation and inform Bylaw how long the dog will be in your care. However, if it is reported that the dog has been with you much longer than claimed, it can result in a fine pursuant to Bylaw #2022-07 Dog Control.

For more information, please:
Stop by the Town Office from Mon-Fri 8:30am - 4:30pm or;
Call 780-789-3935 ext. 27 or;
email info@thorsby.ca