Important Notice: Sidewalk Responsibilities in Thorsby

Hello Thorsby Residents! We’ve heard your concerns about the condition of sidewalks in our community. With winter in full swing, it’s important to ensure our sidewalks are safe and accessible for everyone, especially children, seniors, and those with disabilities.

Nomination Information

Information for Candidates

All candidates must follow the nomination process outlined below. The nomination forms have been updated to reflect changes to the upcoming municipal election under the Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act and Local Authorities Election Act.

For questions about running for Town of Thorsby Mayor or Councilor, please contact the Town Office at 780-789-3935 ext. 27 or

For further information about campaign contributions please visit the campaign finance webpage.

1. Meet all Eligibility Requirements

To be nominated as a candidate in the 2025 General Election, you must be eligible to vote, therefore you must be:
  • at least 18 years old;
  • a Canadian citizen;
  • a resident of the Town of Thorsby for at least 6 consecutive months immediately preceding nomination day, September 22, 2025 (that being March 22, 2025); and
  • not otherwise ineligible or disqualified.

There may be other reasons you are ineligible to run as a candidate – refer to the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA). 

2. Complete and File your Notice of Intent

Anyone who intends to run as a candidate in the 2025 Municipal Election must submit a notice of intent. Prospective candidates can submit their notice of intent from now until Sept. 22, 2025.

Candidates who plan to run in the 2025 Election can only accept campaign contributions and incur campaign expenses once their notice of intent is complete and they are added to the Register of Candidates.

How to Submit your Notice of Intent 

  1. Fill out the Notice of Intent in full.
    Notice of Intent Form (pdf)
  2. Submit the completed form to the Returning Officer in one of the following ways: 
  • In-Person during regular business hours Mon - Fri 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.:
    Attention: Town of Thorsby Legislative Services, 4917 Hankin Street, Thorsby AB, T0C 2P0
  • Mail/Courier: 
    Attention: Town of Thorsby Legislative Services, P.O. Box 297, Thorsby AB, T0C 2P0

Acknowledging receipt of Notice of Intent

Following receipt of a notice of intent, Thorsby Legislative Services will confirm within 3 business days if the notice of intent meets legislated requirements. If the notice meets requirements, the candidate’s name and information will be added to the Register of Candidates within 2 business days.

Note: It is a candidate’s responsibility to notify the Elections Office if there are any changes to the information provided on this form. 

3b. Complete the Candidate Financial Information Form

Candidates disclose information on where their campaign records will be maintained and their campaign bank account information. 

Town of Thorsby Council 

Candidate Financial Information Form

4. File your Nomination Forms

Make an appointment:

Nomination papers can be filed during regular business hours Mon – Fri 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in person at the Town Office by making an appointment.

For more information and to make arrangements to file your nomination:

Mail / Courier your completed forms and deposit:

Completed nomination papers and deposit can be sent by mail or courier to the Town Office at:

Legislative Services
Town of Thorsby
P.O. Box 297
Thorsby AB, T0C 2P0

Additional information

Form 4 must be commissioned by a Commissioner for Oaths or Notary Public in and for Alberta.

If you have filed via email, Legislative Services will acknowledge your email and confirm that you have been accepted as a candidate within 3 business days. 

If you have filed your nomination papers via mail or courier, confirmation may take up to 5 business days from the date of receipt of your papers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I'm eligible to run?

Anyone considering running for office should confirm their eligibility as a first step. To be eligible, a prospective candidate must be:

  • At least 18 years old on nomination day
  • A Canadian citizen
  • A resident of the Town of Thorsby for the 6 consecutive months immediately before nomination day
  • A resident of the Town of Thorsby on Election Day

It is a candidate’s responsibility to confirm eligibility before engaging in the nomination process.

What is the Register of Candidates?

The Register of Candidates, available here, is a record of all candidates who have given notice to the Town of Thorsby that they intend to seek nomination for office in the next general election, as required by the Local Authorities Election Act.

As the Town of Thorsby Legislative Services administers elections for Municipal Council and the Thorsby school district, all candidates registered to run in these jurisdictions will be listed in the Register of Candidates.

Is submitting a notice of intent the same as submitting nomination forms?

No. Submitting a notice of intent is one step in the process and does not mean you have been nominated and will appear on the ballot.

Once a prospective candidate’s notice of intent submission is complete and they are added to the Register of Candidates, they can accept campaign contributions and incur campaign expenses.

To become a nominated candidate and appear on the ballot, a candidate must complete the nomination process during the Nomination Period from Jan. 1 - Sept. 22, 2025.

Campaign Finance Information

Campaign Finance Information

Updated information on campaign finance and disclosure statements for the 2025 election will be made available on the campaign finance webpage in the coming weeks.

Time Commitment for Mayor and Councilors

Attendance at Council Meetings

Council Meetings are hosted on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month, barring summer breaks, Special Meetings, and Budget Meetings. The 2nd Tuesday is a Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting, and the 4th Tuesday is a Regular Meeting of Council.

Pursuant to Sections 174(1)(d) of the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A 2000, a councilor may not be absent from all regular council meetings held during any period of 8 consecutive weeks, starting with the date that the first meeting is missed unless authorized by a resolution of Council.

This means that Councilors cannot miss more than three (3) regular Council meetings consecutively.

Boards and Committee Requirements

In addition to Council meetings, Councilors may be appointed to Boards and Committees, attend conferences and go to community events:

  • Municipal Boards and Committees meetings (often held outside regular working hours - evenings or weekends)
  • Councilors are expected to participate in annual and bi-annual conferences held by provincial organizations, if the Municipality is a member of those organizations.
  • Councilors are also invited to multiple community events – which are not mandatory, but can add to the time commitment depending on the number of invitations and type of events that are accepted by the individual Councilor.

Are Councilors able to remain on Municipal Boards and Committees?

If you were appointed as a public member to a Municipal Board or Committee, you would be deemed resigned if elected to Council.

There are a number of Municipal Boards and Committees that have Council representation, which may be as a voting member or a non-voting Council liaison.

Post-Election Mandatory Training and Orientation

There are additional time commitment obligations for all elected officials immediately following the election, such as:

  • Organizational meetings
  • Orientation and onboarding
  • Governance and mandatory Alberta Emergency Management training for elected officials
  • Other training as required

Withdrawing Nominations

Candidates may withdraw their nomination form at any time during the nomination period (January 1, 2025 to September 22, 2025) and up to 24 hours after the close of the nomination period (noon on September 23rd, 2025), provided the number of candidates nominated exceed the number of positions for the office you are seeking.

If candidates choose to withdraw, they must provide written notice, in person, to the Returning Officer.

The Returning Officer cannot accept a withdrawal if the number of nomination papers received, equal the number of vacant offices.

Insufficient Nominations

In the event that the number of nominations filed is less than the number of vacancies in the municipality, the Returning Officer will be available to receive nominations the next day from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. This process continues for up to six business days until an adequate number of nominations are received. If, at the end of the six-day period, insufficient nominations continue, municipalities are required to contact the Minister of Municipal Affairs.

This information is intended to assist potential candidates for the 2025 Election in October 2025. It has no legislative sanction and is not inclusive of all the information related to the office of Mayor and Councilor, election procedures and election legislation. It is not a substitute for legal advice. It is recommended that you obtain a copy of the Local Authorities Election Act and other relevant legislation. 

It is the candidate’s responsibility to read and understand all legislation concerning elections and to seek legal and accounting advice from professionals or to contact Municipal Affairs regarding requirements under provincial legislation.