2025 is Municipal Election Year for the Town of Thorsby!

Looking for information as both a voter and/or a potential nominee for the Town of Thorsby Council? We have you covered with everything you need to know.

Business Licenses

Business Applications

All businesses working inside the corporate boundaries of Thorsby are required to hold a valid business license, regardless of where their head office may be located.

If you hire someone to do work in your home or business, ask them if they have a local Thorsby license (not a provincial license or license in the community that their office is situated). You can check our licensed businesses on our website through the Business Directory link.

Click here for our current Business License Application

If you'd like to register your business or renew remotely, please email info@thorsby.ca with your filled out application. Payment will be accepted by cheque, over the phone (except with American Express or Debit Credit), or in person. Licenses will not be issued until payment has been received.

All businesses expire on December 31st of any given year and are required to be renewed by January 31st of the following year, or inform the Town that business is no longer being conducted.
License holders will be subjected to a fine per the Business License Bylaw if business is dealt within the Town without a license.