Important Notice: Sidewalk Responsibilities in Thorsby

Hello Thorsby Residents! We’ve heard your concerns about the condition of sidewalks in our community. With winter in full swing, it’s important to ensure our sidewalks are safe and accessible for everyone, especially children, seniors, and those with disabilities.

Campaigning Information


The campaign period is January 1st to December 31st, 2025. Only nominated candidates, who have had their nomination and deposit received by the Returning Officer, may accept campaign contributions or incur campaign expenses during the campaign period.

Candidates must be aware of the rules around campaigning. Campaigning is generally permitted in virtual spaces, on private property; through election advertising and canvassing, however, some restrictions apply. Any form of advertising (including election signs, buttons, t-shirts, cars with banners), and campaigning is not permitted within a voting station or within the boundaries of the land on which the voting station is located during advance voting and on Election Day. 

What should I know before putting up election signs for the 2025 election?

Details on when candidates are allowed to display

  • Election signs for the 2025 Ward Election may be displayed or placed from 12 noon on Nomination Day, Sept. 22, 2025.
  • All election signs and support structures must be removed promptly after election day - by October 30th at the latest.
  • Election signs do not require permits, but they must comply with all applicable federal and provincial legislation and any relevant municipal bylaws.
  • Any form of advertising (including election signs, buttons, t-shirts, cars with banners), and campaigning is not permitted within a voting station or within the boundaries of the land on which the voting station is located.
  • Prior to putting up any election signs, the candidate must provide the Municipality with name and contact information of the person responsible for the signs.  
  • Sign regulations are as follows, per the Town of Thorsby Land Use Bylaw 2017-02:
    • Campaign signs for federal, provincial, municipal, or school board elections on private properties can be erected for no more than thirty (30) days, or such other time as regulated under provincial or federal legislation provided that:
      • Such signs are removed within ten (10) days of the election date.
      • The consent of the property owner or occupant is obtained.
      • Such signs do not obstruct or impair vision or traffic.
      • Such signs are not attached to utility poles.
      • Such signs indicate the name and address of the sponsor and the person responsible for removal.

Are there any recommended safety precautions when placing signs?

 Election signs must follow all sign safety provisions and must not: 

  • Obstruct or interfere with the orderly and safe movement of traffic or the sight lines required by vehicular or pedestrian traffic; 
  • Obstruct or interfere with the visibility or interpretation of any traffic signal, sign or device; 
  • Display lights that may be mistaken for the flashing lights customarily associated with police, fire, ambulance, and any other emergency vehicle or with danger. 
  • Imitate the wording of standard or commonly used traffic signs (i.e. stop, yield), symbols or characters which may interfere with, mislead or confuse traffic. 
  • Candidates should adhere to all safety precautions to prevent driver distraction and to minimize the impact to the travelling public when transporting and installing signs: 
    • Reflective vests and bright clothing should be worn when placing election signs. 
    • Election signs should be installed during daylight hours. 
    • Vehicles should be parked as far as possible from the travel lanes and four-way hazard warning signals should also be utilized at all times. 
  • Before placing signs, click before you dig at
  • If an election sign poses a risk to public safety, has material structure damage, or has been vandalized, the person responsible for the sign will be directed to remove or repair the sign. Any election sign that poses an immediate and substantial public safety risk, or has not been removed or repaired as directed, will be immediately removed without notice.

Am I permitted to use a ballot on my election signs or in my advertising?

  • Candidates are not permitted to use an image or likeness of the ballot in any of their advertising.  
  • The candidate’s name with an ‘X’ beside it, is not considered to be an image or likeness of the ballot. 

Can I use any municipal or election logos on my election signs or in my advertising?

Municipal or election logos are not permitted to be used for election campaigns or any other purposes. These logos are reserved for official Town of Thorsby business only.

Can a property owner have signs for more than one candidate?

 Yes, a property owner may have signs for more than one candidate.

Who is responsible for signs placed on a property – the property owner or the campaign?

  • The campaign is responsible for signs placed on a property and prior to putting up any election signs, the candidate must provide the Town of Thorsby with name and contact information of the person responsible for the signs. Remember to get the owner’s permission before placing signs on private property. 
  • Election Signs that present a public safety concern, such as impeding sight lines for drivers, blocking roadways or obstructing a fire hydrant, will be removed, and may be disposed of without notice. Damaged signs need to be repaired or removed. 

Am I permitted to place signs anywhere I like on public property or are there rules/ permissions required?

  • Signs are not permitted to be attached or affixed to any sign, utility pole, tree, fence or other fixture located on municipal property. Prior to putting up any election signs, the candidate must provide the Town of Thorsby with name and contact information of the person responsible for the signs. 
  • Advertising, including signs, and campaigning is not permitted within a voting station or within the boundaries of the land on which the building used as a voting station is located on an advance voting day or election day (4917 Hankin Street, Thorsby AB, T0C 2P0).
  • Please note that Highway 778 aka 52nd Street falls under Alberta Transportation jurisdiction. 

Are there special regulations or guidelines for advertising along Highway 778 (52nd Street)?

Yes, Highway 778 aka 52nd Street is a Provincial Highway and thus falls under different guidelines. You can find those here.

Will there be online candidate debates or forums? How are these organized? Can anyone host a debate?

The Town of Thorsby does not organize or participate in candidate debates or forums. Any individual or group may organize or host a candidate debate or forum.

This information is intended to assist potential candidates for the 2025 Election in October 2025. It has no legislative sanction and is not inclusive of all the information related to the office of Mayor and Councilor, election procedures and election legislation. It is not a substitute for legal advice. It is recommended that you obtain a copy of the Local Authorities Election Act and other relevant legislation. 

It is the candidate’s responsibility to read and understand all legislation concerning elections and to seek legal and accounting advice from professionals or to contact Municipal Affairs regarding requirements under provincial legislation.