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Sign Permits

Sign Permit Information

When is a Sign Permit Required?

  1. Except as stated in Section 11.3(2) of Land Use Bylaw #2017-02, no sign shall be erected or altered on land or affixed to any exterior surface of a building or structure unless a sign permit for this purpose has been issued by the Development Authority.

  2. Unless otherwise specified in this Bylaw, a permit is required for the following signs:
    1. Free standing sign
    2. Wall sign
    3. Canopy sign
    4. Rotating sign
    5. Projecting sign
    6. Roof sign
    7. Billboard sign
    8. Portable sign

When is a Sign Permit Not Required?

  1. Unless otherwise specified in this Bylaw no sign permit is required for the following signs:

    1. Signs posted or displayed within the interior space of a building

    2. Signs posts or displayed in or on an operating motor vehicle if the vehicle is not temporarily or permanently parked solely for the purpose of displaying the sign

    3. A statutory or official notice of a function of the Town

    4. Signs posted by a municipal, provincial, or federal government agency

    5. Traffic and directional signs authorized by the Town and/or Alberta Provincial Authorities

    6. The erection of campaign signs for federal, provincial, municipal, or school board elections on private properties for no more than thirty (30) days, or such other time as regulated under provincial or federal legislation provided that:
      1. Such signs are removed within ten (10) days of the election date
      2. The consent of the property owner or occupant is obtained
      3. Such signs do not obstruct or impair vision or traffic
      4. Such signs are not attached to utility poles
      5. Such signs indicate the name and address of the sponsor and the person responsible for removal

    7. A non-illuminated sign that is posted or exhibited solely for the identification of the address or name of the land or building on which it is displayed including signs identifying the occupants, if the sign:
      1. Does not exceed 1.0 m² in area, and
      2. Is posted only at each entrance from which access from a public roadway to the building is provided
      3. Does not advertise for a home-based business or bed and breakfast

    8. A non-illuminated sign that is posted or exhibited for sale, lease or rentals of land or a building if the sign:
      1. Is 3.0 m² of less in area
      2. Is posted only on each side of the building or land facing a different public roadway

    9. Window Sign

    10. An A-Frame sign:
      1. Provided it is advertising for goods or services which are located for sale or offered on the same lot or on a sidewalk adjacent to the same lot
      2. Does not obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic

    11. A non-illuminated sign of a building contractor relating to construction work in progress on the land on which such signs are erected, provided that:
      1. Such signs are removed within fourteen (14) days of occupancy, and
      2. Such sign are limited in size to a maximum of 3.0 m², and in number to one sign for each boundary of the property under construction which fronts onto a public street.

Prohibited Location:

  1. No part of any sign, including any accessory components, shall be located on any roadway, boulevard, or sidewalk. Only ‘A-Frame’ type signs may be permitted on a sidewalk abutting a business but must first receive the written consent of the Development Authority.

  2. No part of any sign, including any accessory components, shall be located on any land owned by the Development Authority without a council motion granting use of the land prior to the Development Authority issuing a Development Permit.

Sign Development Standards:

  1. Unless provided elsewhere in this Bylaw, signs shall be erected in accordance with the standards specified in Table 11.6.1.


Read the full Bylaw #2017-02 Signs Section

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