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CLICK OR TAP TO ENLARGE THE IMAGE [Orange is the current affected work site. Yellow is permitted parent drop off. Blue is the bus reroute past the work zone. Green arrows are the crosswalks, red arrows are directional indicators.]
CLICK OR TAP TO ENLARGE THE IMAGE [Orange is the current affected work site. Yellow is permitted parent drop off. Blue is the bus reroute past the work zone. Green arrows are the crosswalks, red arrows are directional indicators.]

IMPORTANT: Water Main Break & School Instructions

November 24 2024


Traffic will return to normal patterns as of the early morning of Wednesday, November 27th. We thank you for your patience and understanding!



These road conditions will continue to Tuesday, November 26th.


UPDATE 6:45PM - NOV 24TH 2024:

Directions For Monday Schools

The intersection by the schools are blocked off due to a water main break. Water is restored to the schools. As this is an open excavation, the following directives must be followed:

1.  There will be a Peace Officer at the intersection.
2.  Buses and parents entering Thorsby from the South will need to detour into 46th Ave, up 51st Street, enter 52nd Street (Highway 778) from the Esso corner and turn right into the schools on 48th Ave.
3.  Parents who need to access the school, High School students with vehicles, and teachers are to enter the same direction as busses.
4.  Parents using the lot across from The Lutheran Church to drop off their children MUST direct them to use the crosswalk that has the lights. There will be no exceptions for safety.
5.  Leaving the schools, you must left turn onto 52nd Street (Highway 778) only.

This may change for Tuesday and we will update.

Please use extreme patience and courtesy and plan accordingly for delays in your morning schedule. Buses will have traffic privilege. Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.


UPDATE 2:30PM - NOV 24TH 2024:

Water is shut off from 48 Avenue south after the break was isolated. There is no current estimated timeline for when the water will come back on. Crews are working diligently.


NOTICE 11:00AM - NOV 24TH 2024:

CAO Donna here

We are experiencing a water main break that we are trying to isolate.  This isn't an easy one folks!

We are reducing water pressure to everything from 48 Avenue going south at this time.  You will notice a difference. When we isolate the break the water will be shut off and we don't know for how long. Our contractor crews are on the way as we spent most of the night regulating water and monitoring.

You may wish to conserve water now as we can't give you an exact time of water shut off.

We appreciate your cooperation on this and crews working in this cold will need room to work. Please note, we can't confirm times. Please prepare conservatively so we can keep our systems from being over taxed.

Much appreciated and please share.


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