Hi, all! CAO Donna here! We have some new faces at Town Hall and Public Works, and we are excited to introduce them to you. In the Public Works Office,…

Notice from CAO Donna Regarding Coyotes
Hi everyone, CAO Donna here. Time for Urban Coyote Education Update.
I have been fielding calls from residents about Coyotes in town, Coyotes at fences, Coyotes in yards etc. I have been asked if they can be shot in town, their dens destroyed etc.
We are in a rural urban area with a NATURAL creek that comes up from the river and Coyotes, Cougars and other animals follow those pathways. I have spoken to Fish and Wildlife and the RCMP to make sure I provide you with the most up to date information.
Right now, Coyotes are in love and looking for that special someone and they are prowling around in Thorsby. Many times, urban residents make it easy for them to find food.
Shooting a firearm inside a municipality is prohibited. If someone is shooting within Thorsby municipal limits, they may be subject to an RCMP visit for careless use of a firearm under the Criminal Code. Bottom line - NO SHOOTING COYOTES.
What to teach your kids about coyotes: Never approach coyotes or any other wildlife.
Do not leave food out for coyotes.
Never litter. Keep your home, yard, school yard and parks clean.
When walking your dog keep it on a leash. Pick up your doggy "doo-doo" to throw away in a garbage can.
Keep your kitties inside.
Make sure your school yards are all cleaned up.
Your yard is an attractant. Keep a clean back yard. Remove seeds, meat, suet for birds and fallen fruit. These attract mice and squirrels which are a lovely snack for coyotes.
Keep the puppy feces cleaned up as it attracts coyotes.
Keep all spaces where coyotes can get under such as decks and holes you may have in fences and sheds covered up.
Take your garbage out in the morning of pick up not the night before as it may have fruit and meat products in it.
If you have coyotes hanging out in your neighbourhood it is because there is easy shelter, easy meals for them there.
If you have compost out in your yard move it into your garage as it attracts them.
Why do we see Coyotes in Thorsby?
- The river and creek corridor are natural travel corridors for them.
- Coyotes readily access human food sources, and these foods may make up to 30% of their diet. Their favourites are mice squirrels and rabbits so let's let them eat naturally and not make it harder.
- Coyotes typically access food at night to minimize the risk of meeting people and Thorsby has been here a long time!
What things have happened in the past that didn't work:
- Removing coyotes from North American urban areas haven't worked.
- Lethal measures haven't worked either. There will be no snaring, poisoning, or live trapping permitted.
Removing one set of coyotes offers a great opportunity for other packs to fill. So how do we deal with this? Simple:
Modern wildlife management - providing aversive conditioning which is non-lethal. See directives above.
This practice changes their behaviour and makes them less likely to want to stay in Thorsby.
What to do if you encounter a Coyote close up:
Make yourself appear larger and do it aggressively and start yelling. Wave your arms overhead or thrust large objects like a walking stick toward the coyote.
Throw rocks or sticks at them.
Shout in a deep voice and maintain eye contact.
Back away from them, do not turn and run.
Why Can't Fish and Wildlife come right away?
Fish and wildlife will come if the animal is seriously injured and can't move and needs to be euthanized. You can also call our terrific RCMP detachment for assistance as well. They are very unlikely to remove unless absolutely necessary.
If you encounter a very aggressive Coyote, they may be sick and it's important to call Report-A-Poacher number at 1-800-642-3800.
I've been making my rounds in the Town and it's important that we button up our yards and practices within the Town to change their behaviour. We won't get "rid of them" because of our natural landscape so let's do this safely and with conservation in mind. When I worked in Crowsnest Pass residents could not have fruit trees in their yards, compost or ordinary garbage cans because of the coyotes, cougars and bears.
One last thought - if you are walking the trails, now may not be the right time. Be thoughtful.